
Kinder, friendlier emails

By Arden / March 17, 2016 /

Have you ever received an email and thought, wow, that was abrupt? Or, maybe you received an email and thought the person sending it was upset with you. We can’t communicate tone of voice in emails, which is very important to help convey meaning.

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Step away from your phone

By Arden / February 19, 2016 /

Times are indeed changing due to our relationship with our digital tools. What once was impossible is now possible because of our smart phones. We no longer need to wait until we get back to our home or office to make a call, look something up online or send an email. Smartphones, as well as…

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A verboten topic

By Arden / January 23, 2016 /

“So, do you have kids?” Have you ever asked someone this question? Such a seemingly innocuous question. But, it’s actually a very loaded, potentially painful topic. A few days ago I received this email from a newsletter reader.

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Setting attainable and enjoyable New Year’s resolutions

By Arden / January 4, 2016 /

I’m not a big fan of making New Year’s resolutions because I find they are easy to break after a few weeks. The gym I belong to is a perfect example of this – hordes of new people fill the classes in January and by February most of them have disappeared. It can be hard…

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Will it kill you to be nice?

By Arden / May 12, 2015 /

It’s National Etiquette Week – a time when we remember the importance of acting with courtesy, civility, kindness and good manners. And a good reminder it is. In our busy, rush, rush 21st century lives, it seems courtesy and kindness often take a back seat to our own agenda. For example; too often I find…

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Show them the love

By Arden / February 9, 2015 /

It’s Be Nice to Everyone month. In January, I wrote about 12 things you could do throughout the year to be a better person. February’s focus is to show everyone the love, in honor of Valentine’s Day. When we show the same courtesy and respect to everyone, whether the receptionist at the office or your…

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12 months to a better you

By Arden / January 4, 2015 /

It’s the New Year, that time when everyone looks forward to a fresh start. Many people make resolutions such as lose weight, exercise more and eat better. Those are all worthy goals, but what if instead you focused on being a better person? A person who made great first and lasting impressions and who was…

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Remember the holiday spirit

By Arden / December 16, 2014 /

My favorite FedEx Kinkos store assistant was a bit grumpy about the holidays. He was not his usual cheerful and upbeat self. He explained that the company has been gearing up and talking about the holidays since July and he was looking forward to December 26 when all is calm, all is bright.

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Manners, etiquette, it’s all the same, right?

By Arden / October 25, 2014 /

People often describe etiquette as manners. The two are very closely linked, but they are different. I like to say that manners are the sister to etiquette. They belong in the same family but one is practical and the other is kind.

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Handling online bullies

By Arden / October 20, 2014 /

Do you remember the school bully – the person who made your life miserable through their taunts, insults and meanness? Sadly, it seems bullies don’t just exist in childhood. There are adult bullies everywhere, and many of them hide behind their computer screen.

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