Gift giving etiquette

Seven tips for appropriate regifting

By Arden / December 30, 2014 /

The presents are opened, the wrapping paper recycled and you might be wondering what to do with those gifts that aren’t quite something you want or need. According to a survey by 83 percent of respondents are okay with receiving a regifted gift. This surprised me. I personally am not a big fan of…

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box of chocolates

Don’t forget the hostess gift

By Arden / December 9, 2014 /

There is a funny Seinfeld episode where Elaine, George and Jerry are headed to a dinner party and Elaine mentions to Jerry that they need to stop and pick up a bottle of wine to bring as a hostess gift. George is perplexed by this and doesn’t understand why he should be expected to bring…

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A fun way to stand out from the crowd

By Arden / August 4, 2014 /

There is nothing better than getting a handwritten card in the mail. It’s the first piece of mail I open and it’s usually the last item I recycle. In fact, I usually hold onto hand scribed notes for at least a few days, and every time I see the card I think of the person…

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How to handle those occasional etiquette dilemmas you will encounter

By Arden / April 9, 2014 /

My husband and I flew to Baltimore to attend his nephew’s wedding. I love weddings. I love spending time with family, being reminded of my love for my husband and seeing how different people organize a wedding. It’s always a wonderful time.

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Keys to Memorable Giveaways that Prospective Clients Will Love

By Arden / June 13, 2012 /

This is a guest post by Molly Gordon, MCC. We’re shaking it up with a post that isn’t etiquette related. Enjoy. Whether you do business online or off, free gifts have the potential to establish credibility, demonstrate value, and build trust. But not all giveaways are created equal. Here are some keys to creating giveaways…

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Holiday gift giving and tipping

By Arden / December 1, 2011 /

There is often confusion about who we should give gifts and holiday tips to. The most important aspect of gift giving is that it comes from the heart and you give to express thanks and appreciation, not out of obligation or because you received a gift. Here are a few of the most frequent gift…

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The house guest who is invited back

By Arden / August 23, 2011 /

I asked my Facebook friends for etiquette dilemmas or issues they wanted me to address in my next blog post. One person asked me to speak to the etiquette of being a house guest. She asked, “What do you do with the bed linens when you’re leaving? If you’ve been there more than 3-4 days…

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Shower with care

By Arden / July 18, 2011 /

This is a guest post by blogger Abby Reph. The season of showering our friends with gifts and finger food is upon us. With it come a kaleidoscope of etiquette questions; after all, showers are one of those rare social occasions where few guests know anyone else at the event; awkwardness is nearly a guarantee.…

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Gag gifts gone wrong

By Arden / December 20, 2010 /

I enjoy giving gifts, especially when I pick just the right item and the recipient is thrilled with the present. Because of this, I’m not a fan of white elephant gift exchanges. It seems wasteful to give people gag gifts or gifts no one wants. It can also be offensive if a risqué gift is…

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Shower Me With Money

By Arden / October 15, 2010 /

There is an advice column I read in the Seattle Times called “Ask Amy”. This past Sunday’s advice seeker stated he and his wife received a wedding shower invitation where not only was a cash gift requested but a dollar amount was specified. “Perturbed in Seattle” felt it was very bad etiquette, while his wife…

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