
Do you practice these eight social niceties?

By Arden / August 23, 2017 /

We’ve all heard the saying “You don’t know what you don’t know.” I’m reminded of this quote often when people share with me their etiquette annoyances or faux pas stories. So often a person’s misstep is simply due to not knowing that their behavior is inappropriate. Or they aren’t aware of the proper way to…

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Please stop interrupting me!

By Arden / April 6, 2017 /

“Wait, let me finish . . . what I was trying to say is interrupting other people is rude.” When you interrupt someone it says to the person talking that what you have to say is more important than what they are sharing. It shows disregard for the person and what they are saying.

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What George Washington knew about etiquette

By Arden / March 24, 2017 /

The concept of etiquette and civility has been around for a very long time. I recently finished a novel called “Rules of Civility” that included mention of George Washington’s Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation. Apparently, at age 16, young George (yes, eventual first president of the United States) copied by…

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Eeek, there’s a bug in my borscht! Answers to common etiquette dilemmas

By Arden / February 18, 2017 /

I first had the thought of teaching etiquette classes when I worked for Washington Mutual. My job at the time was managing sponsorships for non-profit events like breakfasts and lunches. Because the company often received a table at these events I had to fill them with willing WaMu employees. Not always an easy job. Inevitably,…

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The year of kindness: Join me on a kindness journey

By Arden / January 6, 2017 /

Kindness is showing love to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure for violence and hatred around the world. Lady Gaga The January 1st Parade magazine edition had an article about making 2017 the year of being kind and included the lovely quote above by Lady Gaga. According to the article, studies have…

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Online Etiquette: Make Sure Your Child Knows What It Means to be a Cyber Bully

By Arden / December 23, 2016 /

Contribution from Jenny Holt, a freelance writer for several health magazines. Gone are the days of a single school bully extorting lunch money in the schoolyard. Bullying is no longer confined to school or even physical interactions. Kids have constant access to technology, which has also become a new playground for bullies.

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Thanksgiving (and other meals) dos and don’ts

By Arden / November 23, 2016 /

Can you hear it? It’s the sound of busy hosts shopping, prepping and cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I’m thankful my sister is one of those hosts. She usually hosts Thanksgiving because she has the bigger house and bigger family. The rest of us get to enjoy the gourmet bounty and family gathering in exchange for bringing…

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Be the first to say hello

By Arden / October 24, 2016 /

I recently discovered something about myself that was dismaying. It’s such a simple thing but I realized my actions were not portraying my best self.

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How to win favors and influence opportunity

By Arden / September 20, 2016 /

Oh the power of “hello,” “please” and “thank you.” When they are used you often get better service, lower prices, maybe even a seat on a crowded plane. When they are not employed, you’re put in the “rude” category and are faced with possible negative consequences.

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Five business etiquette tips all millennials need to know

By Arden / May 4, 2016 /

It’s amazing to me how many younger people there are in the workforce these days. I guess that means I’m getting old. According to statistics by the Pew Research Center, millennials now make up the majority of the workforce. In 2015 they surpassed Baby Boomers and Gen Xers in number of workers.

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