Business attire

How etiquette has changed over the last twenty years

By Arden / December 16, 2021 /

I sometimes wish there was a different word for etiquette. Often the term conjures up a stuffy, old-fashioned concept; one that is certainly not relatable to today’s realities. But as I often say in my trainings, I would not be an etiquette consultant if it was any of those things. I remember when I was…

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New etiquette for the new work norms

By Arden / March 2, 2021 /

Much has changed in the business world since the pandemic wreaked havoc in our lives. Remote work has become the norm for office workers; in-person meetings have morphed into often mind-numbing virtual meetings and conversation has been replaced by chaterruptions. Business casual is now business sweats and networking is pretty much non-existent. Some of these…

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How to dress (or not) for work

By Arden / October 3, 2016 /

Have you ever been confused about what is and isn’t appropriate attire for work? Wonder no more. This is a great infographic on work attire – from ultra casual to white tie. You’ll never wonder if that tube top is appropriate office dress again.   Save

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Your work “uniform”

By Arden / August 2, 2015 /

Imagine having your doctor show up to an appointment wearing shorts, flip flops and a dirty t-shirt. Or, what if your kid’s teacher showed up to class wearing a bathing suit? You no doubt would question both people’s sanity and good judgement. Further, worried they weren’t up for the job you might choose to see…

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Do you have a career worthy wardrobe?

By Arden / March 16, 2015 /

In January, I wrote about the 12 actions you could take to be a better person in 2015. Each month had a different focus. March’s focus is to spruce up your wardrobe. As Mark Twain wisely said, “Clothes make the (wo)man.” Indeed they do. In the workplace people who are dressed professionally gain more respect…

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12 months to a better you

By Arden / January 4, 2015 /

It’s the New Year, that time when everyone looks forward to a fresh start. Many people make resolutions such as lose weight, exercise more and eat better. Those are all worthy goals, but what if instead you focused on being a better person? A person who made great first and lasting impressions and who was…

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Stiletto heels and other attire conundrums

By Arden / February 20, 2013 /

I belong to several etiquette and image groups on LinkedIn. I like being able to share ideas and resources and to ask questions of the group about various etiquette and attire topics. The last question I posed to a group I started – The Image and Etiquette Consultants group – was “how high of a…

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What we can learn from a craigslist ad

By Arden / December 13, 2012 /

My husband and I are big fans of Craigslist, both for selling and buying. We really like the concept of keeping usable items out of the waste stream and letting others enjoy them. Why buy new when there are so many great items in perfect condition on craigslist? Plus, you save so much money buying…

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2012 Academy Awards Musings

By Arden / February 27, 2012 /

On the red carpet, actress Maya Rudolph shared her Oscar advice with Tim Gunn, “have good posture. Stand up straight, shoulders back.” Sage advice for anyone, whether posing in your Academy Awards finery or giving a presentation to clients. Good posture communicates confidence and makes you look more elegant and self-possessed.

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