
Not your grandmother’s etiquette

Arden Clise Branding-288-Edit

Hello and welcome to the Clise Etiquette blog, a place to discuss savvy and not so savvy decorum. Etiquette may sound like a stuffy or old-fashioned topic, but it’s really just about making yourself and others more comfortable by being respectful, kind and professional.

I am an etiquette consultant, speaker, trainer, coach and author of Spinach in Your Boss’s Teeth: Essential Etiquette for Professional Success. I share etiquette and protocol tips, stories and techniques that you can use to feel more confident, at ease and successful socially and in the workplace.

I invite you to share your thoughts and questions on the situations in life that confuse you, anger you, give you pause or make you proud. Please feel free to let me know if there are topics you’d like me to discuss or hear more about. Some of my best posts come from questions or stories readers share with me.

Thank you for stopping by. I invite you to subscribe to my blog by clicking on the green button.

Six tips for remembering names

Has this ever happened to you? You’re talking to someone and another person you know walks up but you’ve forgotten their name, so you don’t introduce them to the first person. It’s pretty awkward isn’t it? Well take consolation in the fact that it happens to the best of us. However, if you work on…

How to make friends with a higher up

This is a guest post by Alexandra Levit, author of Blind Spots: The 10 Business Myths You Can’t Afford to Believe on Your New Path to Success. In addition to cultivating a strong relationship with your manager, it’s also a good move to form solid friendships with other executives. Alerting senior people to your stellar…

P’s & Q’s: 5 Tips to Get Your Child Writing Great Thank You Notes

This is a guest post by J.J. Mogan, a writer for Parchment. Any parent knows that getting children to complete even the simplest tasks, such as putting pajamas in the clothes hamper or turning a light off when leaving a room, is near impossible. How then are we expected to teach wee-ones the seemingly abject…

How Facebook lists change Facebook etiquette

There have been a lot of changes to Facebook lately and with changes come etiquette changes. I’m not a social media expert, but I do consult on social media etiquette which requires I stay on top of social media changes. For those of you on Facebook, you may have noticed some recent modifications. Here’s a…

11 tips for being a great cubicle mate

Do you know we spend at least a third of our life at work? And when you consider that another third of our life is spent sleeping that’s a big chunk of our waking time in our jobs. Because we spend so much time at our jobs, it’s important we treat our coworkers with courtesy…

I’m listening to you

I just converted to a new commenting system on my blog. I heard from a couple of readers that they wanted to be able to see what other people were saying about my posts. So, I just added a new whiz bang commenting system called Livefyre. Here is what you can expect. You will be…

What do I do now?

A friend of mine was recently traveling and shared something that happened to her while flying that made her wonder about the etiquette of the situation.

The house guest who is invited back

I asked my Facebook friends for etiquette dilemmas or issues they wanted me to address in my next blog post. One person asked me to speak to the etiquette of being a house guest. She asked, “What do you do with the bed linens when you’re leaving? If you’ve been there more than 3-4 days…

Company picnic dos and don’ts

Summer is officially here and with that often comes the company staff picnic. The event is a great time to get to know your coworkers and upper management. With that visibility you can either make or break your career, depending on how you conduct yourself. Here are some tips to help you best take advantage…

It was all in my head

Tuesday I had the honor of being a guest on KING 5 TV’s New Day Northwest. I was invited to talk about social media etiquette. (See segment here.) This was my second time being on the show, and knowing what to expect and how to prepare made me much calmer. However, once I was sitting…

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