Business Etiquette

Seven tips to navigate the company picnic

By Arden / July 10, 2014 /

It’s summer time and the living is good – vacations, casual clothes and the company picnic. Ah yes, that annual event fraught with many perils.

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The smart phone disease

By Arden / July 3, 2014 /

Why is it that we dislike it when others use their phone when they are meeting with us, in a movie theater or driving, yet so often we do the same? I think it’s because the allure of the phone is often too much to ignore. Research has shown we get a dopamine hit when…

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Why I became an etiquette consultant

By Arden / May 28, 2014 /

I’m often asked how I became an etiquette consultant. After all, it’s not every day someone becomes an etiquette expert. And, if some knew me in my rebellious, wild twenties they might be even more surprised I ended up doing what I do.

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National Etiquette Week: Forks and fingers

By Arden / May 13, 2014 /

Did you know May 12 to 16 is National Etiquette Week (NEW)? Yep, etiquette gets its very own national recognition. It’s not just about using the right fork at a meal, the focus of NEW is to call attention to the importance of courtesy, civility and kindness and practicing good manners in all aspects of…

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How not to confuse people with your meeting invitations

By Arden / April 29, 2014 /

Have you ever received a meeting invite from someone and thought what the heck is this? The invitation doesn’t make clear who is calling the meeting or what the purpose of the meeting is. The person sending the meeting invite probably wrote it so that it made sense to him not thinking what it would…

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Forget bossy; How to act like a leader

By Arden / April 3, 2014 /

Growing up, a relative often called me bossy. The term was never used in a positive way. To this day the moniker has left me afraid that being bossy is akin to another b word.

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My armchair musings of the Academy Awards

By Arden / March 4, 2014 /

As I usually do, I love to share my Oscars musings. There are always great lessons to learn from this big event.

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5 tips for asking for testimonials, recommendations or reviews

By Arden / March 1, 2014 /

Because of social media we need to be careful to maintain a positive online reputation. And for those who are job searching or seeking clients it’s important we are easily found online.  One way people do this is to ask for LinkedIn recommendations. Business owners may also seek testimonials and positive reviews on Yelp, Google+,…

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The power of informational interviews

By Arden / February 24, 2014 /

If you’re looking for work, one of the best ways to find a job is through informational interviews. Many jobs are not posted; instead, companies rely on their network to get the word out about open positions.

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The art of the business introduction

By Arden / February 11, 2014 /

I recently gave a business etiquette essentials presentation to students at UW Bothell. One of the topics I covered was how to make a business introduction. As usual, many people commented on their evaluation form how helpful the information was.

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