
Not your grandmother’s etiquette

Arden Clise Branding-288-Edit

Hello and welcome to the Clise Etiquette blog, a place to discuss savvy and not so savvy decorum. Etiquette may sound like a stuffy or old-fashioned topic, but it’s really just about making yourself and others more comfortable by being respectful, kind and professional.

I am an etiquette consultant, speaker, trainer, coach and author of Spinach in Your Boss’s Teeth: Essential Etiquette for Professional Success. I share etiquette and protocol tips, stories and techniques that you can use to feel more confident, at ease and successful socially and in the workplace.

I invite you to share your thoughts and questions on the situations in life that confuse you, anger you, give you pause or make you proud. Please feel free to let me know if there are topics you’d like me to discuss or hear more about. Some of my best posts come from questions or stories readers share with me.

Thank you for stopping by. I invite you to subscribe to my blog by clicking on the green button.

You’re Fired! Social Media Mistakes

Recently, a 16 year old employee was fired from her job for writing on her Facebook wall “I’m bored at work today.” Agree with the firing or not, the reality is everything we do online is visible to the world. This young lady had to learn this the hard way. Networking online is just like…

Put Down That Cell Phone!

Did you know July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month? Yes, indeedy and with good reason. Inappropriate cell phone use has become a huge problem, and is getting worse as more people are using mobile phones. It is also one of the most irritating issues for many people. My last Puget Sound Business Journal column…

The Business of Bike Etiquette

This is a guest blog post by Eric Mamroth – cyclist, benefit auctioneer and wonderful husband to Arden Clise. If you are following the Tour de France this year, you probably have an opinion on whether Alberto Contador should have waited for Andy Schleck when he had a mechanical problem.  Schleck dropped his chain while launching an…

Why a Thank You Note?

I’m a member of Women Business Owners  and serve on the Ambassador Committee, which is essentially the committee that greets and orients new members. We had a committee meeting last week and the topic of thank you notes came up. One member mentioned she had sent her nephews on both sides of the family high…

Cat On a Hot Cotton Bed

This has nothing to do with etiquette, but I had to share this cute photo. My kitty, Skeeter, often takes his daytime nap on the bed. That is also the hottest room in the house, unfortunately for Skeeter and for Eric and me. Funny how even though the basement is much cooler than the upstairs the…

I’m Berry Grateful

My husband and I had the most wonderful bike ride through the Skagit Valley. The clouds cleared and it was sunny most of the 62 miles. We marveled at how picturesque it was through the flat, mostly farmland. Our ride took us past farm after farm growing a variety of crops including potatoes, wheat, silage,…

Oh Slang Can You Say

I adore my etiquette teacher, Maria Everding, a gracious, funny, ball of fire. I attended Maria’s etiquette school – The Etiquette Institute– to learn all that I needed to know to become an etiquette consultant. I often turn to Maria for advice or perspective. She is also not afraid to tell me when she feels…

To Complain or Not to Complain

This depressing, unending cold, wet weather is making even the most gracious, positive people complain. I’ll be honest, it’s easy for me to complain, but I had a little flash of insight about complaining the other day while riding our tandem with my husband in the cold rain.

Are You Helping Your Child To Succeed?

The other day my husband, Eric, and I grabbed a fast dinner at Whole Foods Market. We love the variety of options and how easy it is to get a quick meal. As I was enjoying my chicken mole I noticed a very nicely dressed family sit down near us with their dinner. They must…

Does Business Etiquette Matter?

I sometimes get out my Amy Vanderbilt’s Everyday Etiquette book to see how much etiquette has changed since the book was written in the 1950s. There is a section on when a man should remove his hat and one on where a secretary should put her steno dictation pad when meeting with her boss. While…

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