Social Etiquette

The germy handshake

By Arden / March 29, 2012 /

Whenever I teach handshakes in my training seminars or keynote presentations there are always lots of questions. One I’m often asked is “what do I do if I don’t want to shake hands to avoid getting germs?” I’ve been asked this by friends who are also germ phobic and would prefer handshaking just went away.

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The angst of attending events

By Arden / March 20, 2012 /

Have you ever noticed that it is so much easier accepting invitations to events then attending the parties themselves? The invitation comes in and you’re honored your friend invited you, it sounds like a fun party, you don’t have plans that night, etc. But as the event approaches suddenly you start dreading attending.

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The power of words

By Arden / March 14, 2012 /

My husband and I often go someplace warm and sunny in the winter to escape the gray rainy Seattle days for a bit. This year we decided to go to Costa Rica. Many of our friends have been and spoke highly of the country. 

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2012 Academy Awards Musings

By Arden / February 27, 2012 /

On the red carpet, actress Maya Rudolph shared her Oscar advice with Tim Gunn, “have good posture. Stand up straight, shoulders back.” Sage advice for anyone, whether posing in your Academy Awards finery or giving a presentation to clients. Good posture communicates confidence and makes you look more elegant and self-possessed.

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Are we teaching children to be disrespectful?

By Arden / January 23, 2012 /

I occasionally teach children’s etiquette classes and I always introduce myself as Ms. Clise to the children. When I ask the kids in my class how they address their teachers and their parents’ friends the majority of them say they call these adults by their first names. I’m continually shocked by this.

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What not to do on Facebook

By Arden / January 12, 2012 /

A friend emailed me recently asking for advice. She had received a friend request on Facebook from someone she didn’t know, but knew of. She decided to grant the friend request. Immediately afterwards this person wrote on my friend’s wall asking her to like her Facebook page and include a link to the page.

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Get your holiday manners on

By Arden / December 19, 2011 /

The holidays are here! As I was standing in a very long line at the post office this morning I reminded myself how stressful this time of year can be. Inside I was feeling impatient and angry at the everlasting queue, but I tried to focus on the positive rather than my irritation. I noticed the surprisingly well-behaved…

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I’m RSVPing for your party

By Arden / December 14, 2011 /

The holidays are here and that means a lot of parties. Perhaps you’ve received a few invitations for holiday functions. Whether the invitations are for a holiday cocktail party or a summer barbeque the invitation most likely has the acronym RSVP on it. Let’s talk about that acronym and why people add it to their…

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Holiday gift giving and tipping

By Arden / December 1, 2011 /

There is often confusion about who we should give gifts and holiday tips to. The most important aspect of gift giving is that it comes from the heart and you give to express thanks and appreciation, not out of obligation or because you received a gift. Here are a few of the most frequent gift…

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A cocktail party primer

By Arden / November 29, 2011 /

Filling your home with your friends and family is a lovely way to celebrate the holidays and a cocktail party is an easy way to gather a large group at one time. Be a memorable host, and a guest who gets invited back, by following these tips.

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