
Not your grandmother’s etiquette

Hello and welcome to the Clise Etiquette blog, a place to discuss savvy and not so savvy decorum. Etiquette may sound like a stuffy or old-fashioned topic, but it’s really just about making yourself and others more comfortable by being respectful, kind and professional.

I am an etiquette consultant, speaker, trainer, coach and author of Spinach in Your Boss’s Teeth: Essential Etiquette for Professional Success. I share etiquette and protocol tips, stories and techniques that you can use to feel more confident, at ease and successful socially and in the workplace.

I invite you to share your thoughts and questions on the situations in life that confuse you, anger you, give you pause or make you proud. Please feel free to let me know if there are topics you’d like me to discuss or hear more about. Some of my best posts come from questions or stories readers share with me.

Thank you for stopping by. I invite you to subscribe to my blog by clicking on the green button.


Forget bossy; How to act like a leader

Growing up, a relative often called me bossy. The term was never used in a positive way. To this day the moniker has left me afraid that being bossy is akin to another b word.

Conversation: The Fruit of Curiosity and Sincerity

This is a guest post by Bob Taylor, a retired naturopathic physician and designer/builder and great conversationalist. I can strike up a conversation with most anyone. That’s because I’m really curious. Curiosity is the great motivator that pushes me past my shy self.

Don’t break 8 year old hearts

This is a guest post by Shari Storm; author, speaker, mom. Girl Scout cookie sales end today and I’ve heard that Camp Fire sales start shortly. Here are a few tips for cookie buyers and passersby.

My armchair musings of the Academy Awards

As I usually do, I love to share my Oscars musings. There are always great lessons to learn from this big event.

5 tips for asking for testimonials, recommendations or reviews

Because of social media we need to be careful to maintain a positive online reputation. And for those who are job searching or seeking clients it’s important we are easily found online.  One way people do this is to ask for LinkedIn recommendations. Business owners may also seek testimonials and positive reviews on Yelp, Google+,…

The power of informational interviews

If you’re looking for work, one of the best ways to find a job is through informational interviews. Many jobs are not posted; instead, companies rely on their network to get the word out about open positions.

The art of the business introduction

I recently gave a business etiquette essentials presentation to students at UW Bothell. One of the topics I covered was how to make a business introduction. As usual, many people commented on their evaluation form how helpful the information was.

My struggle with being gracious

Sometimes it’s hard for me to be gracious. Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. I can be selfish, and sometimes I struggle with being patient.

A customer service lesson

My husband and I recently experienced a negative customer service situation with an office supply store near our house. Thankfully, in the end we had a positive experience. I won’t go into great detail, but basically we needed to exchange a broken monitor holder that my husband had given me for Christmas.

To eat or not to eat before a party

Michelle Obama is celebrating her 50th birthday. Hard to believe she’s 50, she sure doesn’t look it. Her party invitation stated it was Snacks & Sips & Dancing & Dessert, and specified to wear comfortable shoes, eat before you arrive and practice your dance moves.

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