I’m listening to you

I just converted to a new commenting system on my blog. I heard from a couple of readers that they wanted to be able to see what other people were saying about my posts. So, I just added a new whiz bang commenting system called Livefyre. Here is what you can expect.

You will be required to either create an account with Livefyre or you can sign in using your Twitter or Facebook account. Eventually, Livefyre is adding the option sign in as a guest with your email and a password if you prefer. While you’ll get a message that Livefyre will access your Twitter or Facebook account, it’s simply to allow you to use it to sign in. They won’t spam you or use your information in any way.

When you comment you can tag someone you are connected to on Twitter or Facebook. Just put the @ sign before their name or handle. That way they will see your comment.

Another great feature is you can follow the conversation  to see what others say in response to the post and possibly to your comment. I almost always respond to my commenter’s comments, so this way if you click “follow conversation” you’ll see what I wrote. You will get emails with the additional comments. You can unfollow the conversation at any time by simply clicking on “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the comment email.

More great features: you can post your comment to Twitter or Facebook. You can like and reply to other people’s comments. When you click on someone’s name you can see where else they have commented and what they have said. If they created a profile you can learn more about them including their website or current blog posts.

Note; because my website is on  a custom WordPress platform, the formatting for Livefyre is off. But they are working on it and will have it fixed very soon. It is functional though.

I’m really exciting about Livefyre and think you’ll enjoy it too. I hope it encourages you to comment on my posts as I love hearing from my readers. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts even if you don’t like it.

Please note: We have a new method of delivering blog posts to your inbox. If you have previously received these blog posts through Feedburner, please subscribe to receive these blog posts through the form below and unsubscribe to the posts you receive through Feedburner.

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Arden Clise is founder and president of Clise Etiquette. Her love for business etiquette began in previous jobs when she was frequently asked for etiquette, public speaking and business attire advice by executives and board members. The passion for etiquette took hold and compelled Arden to start a consulting business to help others. Read more >>


  1. JudyDunn on September 2, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Hooray, Arden! Good to see you giving livefyre a try. I am really enjoying the increased interactions and engagement on my blog since I installed it. Like any new technology, there is a learning curve and I’m sure I don’t know everything about the system yet, but so far, I’m loving it. : )

  2. BethBuelow on September 4, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    Hi Arden,

    Well, I was skeptical because I couldn’t get livefyre to connect to my FB account as easily as I expected it to… now that it works, I’m going to dig a little more into livefyre and see if it might be good for my blog. Thanks for sharing your process with us and explaining the change; if they make it so that you can login with just a name and e-mail, then that would seal the deal for me! 🙂

  3. ArdenClise on September 6, 2011 at 9:05 am

    @JudyDunn Thanks for the inspiration Judy. You are my go to blog expert so I appreciate you testing it out first.

  4. ArdenClise on September 6, 2011 at 9:06 am

    @BethBuelow Well that’s frustrating you couldn’t easily sign in through Facebook. What happened? I know they are going to add the name and email address sign in option soon. Thanks for your feedback Beth.

  5. israel.kendall on September 8, 2011 at 9:45 pm

    LiveFyre is great, using it for my blog and couldn’t be happier (unless I had more comments..)

  6. ArdenClise on September 9, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    @israel.kendall Thank you for commenting Israel. It’s nice to know others like LifeFyre too. I was inspired to try it by @JudyDunn who writes the catseyewriter blog. A blog about blogging. Really helpful information.

  7. JudyDunn on September 9, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    @ArdenClise@israel.kendall Thanks for popping on over to my blog, Israel. Enjoyed meeting you.

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