Social Etiquette

The year of kindness: Join me on a kindness journey

By Arden / January 6, 2017 /

Kindness is showing love to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure for violence and hatred around the world. Lady Gaga The January 1st Parade magazine edition had an article about making 2017 the year of being kind and included the lovely quote above by Lady Gaga. According to the article, studies have…

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Going up, going down, going round & round: Elevator, escalator and revolving door etiquette

By Arden / November 30, 2016 /

My friend got into the revolving door of his office building and was moving forward when, bam, the door suddenly stopped. He hit the glass front with his head and his glasses cut his face. What the heck just happened my friend wondered? Turns out a young man had jumped into the same compartment as…

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Thanksgiving (and other meals) dos and don’ts

By Arden / November 23, 2016 /

Can you hear it? It’s the sound of busy hosts shopping, prepping and cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I’m thankful my sister is one of those hosts. She usually hosts Thanksgiving because she has the bigger house and bigger family. The rest of us get to enjoy the gourmet bounty and family gathering in exchange for bringing…

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Little niceties that make a big difference

By Arden / November 16, 2016 /

Etiquette has some specific rules that help you know what to do and not do, such as which fork to use on a crowded table or that it’s not okay to cut in line when a queue has formed. But, there are a lot of little niceties that fall under manners that are sometimes less…

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What not to say or do when your coworker is sick or grieving

By Arden / November 3, 2016 /

Illness and loss can be hard topics to discuss. Most people simply don’t know what to say or do when someone they know has been diagnosed with a serious illness or loses a spouse or child. It seems extra hard when that someone is an employee or coworker. When personal matters intertwine with work we…

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Be the first to say hello

By Arden / October 24, 2016 /

I recently discovered something about myself that was dismaying. It’s such a simple thing but I realized my actions were not portraying my best self.

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How to win favors and influence opportunity

By Arden / September 20, 2016 /

Oh the power of “hello,” “please” and “thank you.” When they are used you often get better service, lower prices, maybe even a seat on a crowded plane. When they are not employed, you’re put in the “rude” category and are faced with possible negative consequences.

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Five lessons from Craigslist for job applicants

By Arden / September 10, 2016 /

My husband and I are turning our media room into a guest room so we have been both buying and selling items on Craigslist. Craigslist is truly a great way to find and sell items at a reduced price. It can also be a lot of fun to meet interesting people. But, it has its…

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A lesson from toothpaste

By Arden / August 21, 2016 /

My fabulous children’s manners teacher, Jan Townsend, forwarded me a Facebook post written by someone I don’t know. The author’s name is Amy and I was both excited and moved by her words. In her post she talked about teaching her daughter, who was entering middle school, about kindness. To teach the lesson, she had…

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Read the situation or risk losing business

By Arden / July 19, 2016 /

This is a guest post by Stacy O’Daffer, Clise Etiquette Associate. “She will finally appreciate you after she lives without you.” It’s a mother’s universal salve for the wound of a child leaving for college. That this loss will be filled at some later, undefined moment does little to sooth the heartbreak. But then, it’s…

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