Business Etiquette

Informational Interview Etiquette Answers

By Arden / December 19, 2013 /

I received a very nice email from a graduate student who was seeking answers to coffee meeting and informational interview etiquette dilemmas. He wrote: I found your “Coffee Date Dilemmas” (blog post) very informative and helpful, with its consideration of small but important details, and enjoyed browsing your blog. I do have a few follow-up…

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Further your career this holiday season

By Arden / December 2, 2013 /

Despite what you may think, the holidays are actually a great time to further your career. That’s because it’s a time when we most interact with others, whether it’s mingling at holiday parties, flying to see family or friends or spending time with relatives or pals you don’t see very often. So, whether you are…

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The scary thought of in-flight cell phone use

By Arden / November 25, 2013 /

The Wall Street Journal interviewed me and some of my etiquette consultant colleagues for an article on the etiquette of cell phone usage on airplanes. As you may have read the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering allowing airline passengers use their cell phones in flight.

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a white woman's face with blonde hair and big round glasses with a question mark on her forehead

The sweetest sound

By Arden / November 7, 2013 /

Are you good at remembering names? If you answered no, you’re not alone. Whenever I teach networking or my First and Lasting Impressions training I ask the participants if they are skilled at remembering names. Usually only a handful of people will raise their hand. Yet, people admit that forgetting names is one of the most…

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Why LinkedIn?

By Arden / October 29, 2013 /

I had the honor of teaching networking skills to South Seattle Community College students who enrolled in the Career Smarts program. Career Smarts, part of the Seattle Jobs Initiative, is a program that connects students with HR professionals to teach job related skills. I taught four 30 minute classes on networking. Each time, I asked…

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Dear Ms. Clise

By Arden / October 1, 2013 /

When people I haven’t met first email me they often address me as Ms. Clise. It always takes this casual Seattle gal by surprise. I understand why people are addressing me in a formal way; they assume it is the proper thing to do with someone who teaches etiquette.

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Alot of speiling and, grammer erors

By Arden / September 18, 2013 /

Despite having a bachelor’s degree in English Literature, grammar and spelling are not my strengths. But, I know that to make a good impression it’s important I follow the correct language rules when I speak and write. Therefore, it is something I work on. I’m not perfect. In fact, readers have pointed out errors I’ve made,…

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Cell phone pet peeves

By Arden / July 18, 2013 /

Do you have a cell phone pet peeve? Are there things that people do with their cell phones that drive you crazy? If so, you’re not alone. Most people are bothered by the rude cell phone behavior of others.

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What is your posture saying about you?

By Arden / July 2, 2013 /

I talk about posture a lot. When I give my First and Lasting Impressions training or coach on executive presence, I always emphasize the importance of standing or sitting tall. Good posture conveys confidence, whereas someone with rounded shoulders or a bent head looks insecure or unsure of themselves.

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The power of gracious behavior

By Arden / June 13, 2013 /

It’s always heartwarming when I see really gracious, polite behavior, and not just because I’m an etiquette consultant. When I see people being courteous and other focused I am reminded of how powerful it is.

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