Business Etiquette

What dogs can teach us about etiquette

By Arden / July 23, 2012 /

Sammie, our beloved 13 year old dog, died recently. We miss her terribly. Coming home is a constant reminder of her absence. When she was alive, as I got out of the car, I would hear her come downstairs to greet me, tail wagging, big grin on her face. As she became sick, she wouldn’t…

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Do we still need etiquette?

By Arden / July 6, 2012 /

I was invited to be on The Boss Show to talk about the five workplace etiquette no nos that can derail your career. The fun hosts, Jim Hessler and Steve Motenko, and I had a delightful time discussing the no nos and teasing each other. Steve opened the interview by asking me if etiquette really mattered any longer.

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Tradeshow and booth etiquette best practices

By Arden / May 29, 2012 /

This is a guest post by Matt Heinz, founder and principal of Heinz Marketing, LLC. You can learn a lot about what to do, and what not to do, at a tradeshow booth just by walking around and observing behavior at just about any event. Below are some of the observations and etiquette best (and…

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The allure of gossip

By Arden / May 4, 2012 /

I’ve been thinking about gossip lately. The other day, I taught an etiquette class to a mom and her delightful eight year old daughter. One of the topics I covered was gossip.

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Being vulnerable

By Arden / April 23, 2012 /

I met a colleague, Lynn Baldwin-Rhoades, for coffee recently. She is the president of Power Chicks International, a wonderful online and in-person networking and resource organization for women. Lynn is someone I know and like but didn’t know well. I felt like we both wanted a deeper connection with each other.

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The germy handshake

By Arden / March 29, 2012 /

Whenever I teach handshakes in my training seminars or keynote presentations there are always lots of questions. One I’m often asked is “what do I do if I don’t want to shake hands to avoid getting germs?” I’ve been asked this by friends who are also germ phobic and would prefer handshaking just went away.

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2012 Academy Awards Musings

By Arden / February 27, 2012 /

On the red carpet, actress Maya Rudolph shared her Oscar advice with Tim Gunn, “have good posture. Stand up straight, shoulders back.” Sage advice for anyone, whether posing in your Academy Awards finery or giving a presentation to clients. Good posture communicates confidence and makes you look more elegant and self-possessed.

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Too much information

By Arden / February 9, 2012 /

We have been talking to handymen and women about doing some repair on our front porch stairs. It’s been an interesting process to say the least.

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Holiday gift giving and tipping

By Arden / December 1, 2011 /

There is often confusion about who we should give gifts and holiday tips to. The most important aspect of gift giving is that it comes from the heart and you give to express thanks and appreciation, not out of obligation or because you received a gift. Here are a few of the most frequent gift…

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What to do when you forget someone’s name during an introduction

By Arden / November 10, 2011 /

I was recently filmed giving etiquette tips via video. I made several videos on a variety of topics. Today I’m featuring the video tip on what to do if you forget someone’s name when you have to introduce them. Don’t sweat it, this video gives you a simple way to handle it. Does this tip…

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