Not your grandmother’s etiquette

Hello and welcome to the Clise Etiquette blog, a place to discuss savvy and not so savvy decorum. Etiquette may sound like a stuffy or old-fashioned topic, but it’s really just about making yourself and others more comfortable by being respectful, kind and professional.
I am an etiquette consultant, speaker, trainer, coach and author of Spinach in Your Boss’s Teeth: Essential Etiquette for Professional Success. I share etiquette and protocol tips, stories and techniques that you can use to feel more confident, at ease and successful socially and in the workplace.
I invite you to share your thoughts and questions on the situations in life that confuse you, anger you, give you pause or make you proud. Please feel free to let me know if there are topics you’d like me to discuss or hear more about. Some of my best posts come from questions or stories readers share with me.
Thank you for stopping by. I invite you to subscribe to my blog by clicking on the green button.
The art of being interested vs. interesting
By Arden | | Communication, Conversation, Dating etiquette, Networking etiquette
Social and workplace etiquette grievances
By Arden | | Business Etiquette, Chivalry, Courtesy, Dining Etiquette, Email etiquette, Gratitude, Illness etiquette, Kindness, Letters and notes, Manners, Pet etiquette, Table Manners, Technology Etiquette
Dating dos and don’ts for an online world
By Arden | | Communication, Dating etiquette | 2 Comments
How to raise mannerly children
By Arden | | Etiquette for Children
Lessons in harmony: How my Slovenia and Croatia tour can inspire a positive workplace
By Arden | | Civility, Communication, Conversation, Courtesy, Kindness, Travel Etiquette | 3 Comments
What would Ted do?
By Arden | | Civility, Communication, Courtesy, Etiquette for Children, Kindness, Social Etiquette, Sportsmanship
Four tips for being a good host to house guests
By Arden | | Kindness, Social Etiquette
“Do you always eat this way?”
By Arden | | Dining Etiquette, Table Manners | 6 Comments
Are we back to shaking hands?
By Arden | | Business Etiquette, Illness etiquette, Meeting etiquette, Networking etiquette | 2 Comments
New tipping guidelines for a changing world
By Arden | | Dining Etiquette, Tipping etiquette, Travel Etiquette

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