Umbrella etiquette

Is chivalry still relevant today?

By Arden / September 28, 2018 /

Iā€™m often asked in my presentations if chivalrous acts are still appropriate for men today, such as standing when a woman walks into a room or allowing her to get on the elevator first. Older men especially seem concerned about this question since they were raised in an era when chivalry was expected and the…

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The ups and downs of umbrella etiquette

By Arden / January 13, 2018 /

This is a guest post by Eric Mamroth, husband to Arden Clise and regular umbrella user. Perhaps there is no better indicator of a changing Seattle than the proliferation of ā€¦ umbrellas. Big ones, small ones, cheap ones or expensively fashionable, they are seemingly everywhere now. Clearly our Seattle City Council has left yet another…

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