Dating etiquette

Two young men looking at each other, chatting and laughing in a cafe.

The art of being interested vs. interesting

By Arden / February 23, 2025 /

I recently binge watched a delightful reality show called “The Later Daters,” which follows people in their 50s to early 70s navigating the dating scene. What made it so interesting wasn’t just the unique contestants, but the show’s dating coach who offered invaluable advice about conversation, presentation and dating expectations. While two successful matches emerged…

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Two hands holding coffee cups

Dating dos and don’ts for an online world

By Arden / September 25, 2024 /

Many of my single friends are dating and, yes, yours truly is too. Let me just say, dating is weird at my age. In my before-marriage dating days you just met people and if you liked them you went on a few dates and eventually decided if this was the forever person. There was no…

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