
Two young men looking at each other, chatting and laughing in a cafe.

The art of being interested vs. interesting

By Arden / February 23, 2025 /

I recently binge watched a delightful reality show called “The Later Daters,” which follows people in their 50s to early 70s navigating the dating scene. What made it so interesting wasn’t just the unique contestants, but the show’s dating coach who offered invaluable advice about conversation, presentation and dating expectations. While two successful matches emerged…

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Lessons in harmony: How my Slovenia and Croatia tour can inspire a positive workplace

By Arden / June 15, 2024 /

I recently returned from a delightful Rick Steves tour of Slovenia and Croatia. Our group consisted of 26 people from diverse backgrounds with different values, interests, and opinions, yet we all got along wonderfully. This is particularly remarkable given the many hours we spent together each day—whether riding a bus, standing shoulder to shoulder on…

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Zoom video conferencing meeting

Five tips for networking during a pandemic

By Arden / December 30, 2020 /

With the New Year approaching, many of us think about goals for the coming year. If your plan is to find a job, get promoted or grow your client base there’s no better way to do that then to network. However, given the pandemic you might be wondering how you can connect with others in…

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Avoiding the awkward goodbye

By Arden / May 20, 2018 /

I’m taking Spanish lessons for the umpteenth time, trying to get to the place where I can carry on a conversation with a Spanish speaking person. My lovely instructor, Paola with Una Buena Spanish, is helping me with my quest to speak español.

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Please stop interrupting me!

By Arden / April 6, 2017 /

“Wait, let me finish . . . what I was trying to say is interrupting other people is rude.” When you interrupt someone it says to the person talking that what you have to say is more important than what they are sharing. It shows disregard for the person and what they are saying.

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Thanksgiving (and other meals) dos and don’ts

By Arden / November 23, 2016 /

Can you hear it? It’s the sound of busy hosts shopping, prepping and cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I’m thankful my sister is one of those hosts. She usually hosts Thanksgiving because she has the bigger house and bigger family. The rest of us get to enjoy the gourmet bounty and family gathering in exchange for bringing…

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What not to say or do when your coworker is sick or grieving

By Arden / November 3, 2016 /

Illness and loss can be hard topics to discuss. Most people simply don’t know what to say or do when someone they know has been diagnosed with a serious illness or loses a spouse or child. It seems extra hard when that someone is an employee or coworker. When personal matters intertwine with work we…

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Be the first to say hello

By Arden / October 24, 2016 /

I recently discovered something about myself that was dismaying. It’s such a simple thing but I realized my actions were not portraying my best self.

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How to lose a prospect and annoy others

By Arden / July 1, 2016 /

Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie wrote this beautiful quote in his bestselling book How to Win Friends and Influence People.  And it’s true. As he pointed out, when you remember and use a person’s name it makes him feel special…

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A verboten topic

By Arden / January 23, 2016 /

“So, do you have kids?” Have you ever asked someone this question? Such a seemingly innocuous question. But, it’s actually a very loaded, potentially painful topic. A few days ago I received this email from a newsletter reader.

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