Meeting etiquette

Read the situation or risk losing business

By Arden / July 19, 2016 /

This is a guest post by Stacy O’Daffer, Clise Etiquette Associate. “She will finally appreciate you after she lives without you.” It’s a mother’s universal salve for the wound of a child leaving for college. That this loss will be filled at some later, undefined moment does little to sooth the heartbreak. But then, it’s…

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Five tips for workplace success

By Arden / June 15, 2016 /

Have you ever wondered why some people have more success in their jobs and others can’t seem to get ahead even though they are very smart? According to a Harvard University study, 85% of a person’s workplace success is due to their personal skills – those intangible skills that lead to better and smoother relationships…

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Five business etiquette tips all millennials need to know

By Arden / May 4, 2016 /

It’s amazing to me how many younger people there are in the workforce these days. I guess that means I’m getting old. According to statistics by the Pew Research Center, millennials now make up the majority of the workforce. In 2015 they surpassed Baby Boomers and Gen Xers in number of workers.

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Sit in the power seats

By Arden / February 16, 2016 /

Have you ever sat in a meeting feeling invisible or like it was difficult to get the chair or facilitator’s attention? It could have been because of where you sat. There are three places at a meeting table that are more noticeable to the person running the meeting. Assuming the facilitator is sitting at place…

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Setting attainable and enjoyable New Year’s resolutions

By Arden / January 4, 2016 /

I’m not a big fan of making New Year’s resolutions because I find they are easy to break after a few weeks. The gym I belong to is a perfect example of this – hordes of new people fill the classes in January and by February most of them have disappeared. It can be hard…

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How to check the time without appearing rude

By Arden / October 23, 2015 /

I’ve been thinking about time lately. More precisely, I’ve been thinking about how to politely check the time when meeting with others. Keeping track of the hour in the presence of another person presents a few challenges.

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