
Not your grandmother’s etiquette

Arden Clise Branding-288-Edit

Hello and welcome to the Clise Etiquette blog, a place to discuss savvy and not so savvy decorum. Etiquette may sound like a stuffy or old-fashioned topic, but it’s really just about making yourself and others more comfortable by being respectful, kind and professional.

I am an etiquette consultant, speaker, trainer, coach and author of Spinach in Your Boss’s Teeth: Essential Etiquette for Professional Success. I share etiquette and protocol tips, stories and techniques that you can use to feel more confident, at ease and successful socially and in the workplace.

I invite you to share your thoughts and questions on the situations in life that confuse you, anger you, give you pause or make you proud. Please feel free to let me know if there are topics you’d like me to discuss or hear more about. Some of my best posts come from questions or stories readers share with me.

Thank you for stopping by. I invite you to subscribe to my blog by clicking on the green button.

Interview tips to land the job

Spring is a great time to make changes and that includes a job change. The economy is getting better and better and I’m seeing a lot more job postings out there. Here are some tips for making sure you are a stand-out candidate who gets the job offer. Do your research on the organization. Look…

Civility in the age of incivility

Did you know that May is International Civility Awareness Month? The goal is to spread awareness of the meaning of civility and help people to embrace the civility code of conduct: Respect, Restraint and Responsibility. Saturday night, I attended the District 2 Toastmasters contest. There were seven excellent speakers competing to win and advance to…

It’s all in the details

One of the things I love, and sometimes am overwhelmed by, is etiquette is all about the details. When I’m giving a training, on say dining etiquette, I always get questions about the littlest things such as “If I take something like an olive pit out of my mouth where do I put it?” It can sometimes…

Where will you be on April 29?

Since the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William is just around the corner I thought I’d share some fun facts about the wedding and royal weddings in general. By the way, isn’t it funny that Kate is always referred by her first and last name yet we just refer to the Prince as “Prince…

Are little white lies OK?

A few months ago I wrote a blog post about my experience at a networking event where I was talking to someone who was ready to continue networking but didn’t know how to gracefully end the conversation. The blog post was titled “‘I’d like to freshen my drink” and other little white lies.”

Répondez s’il vous plaît! – RSVP

This is a guest post by Larry James, a non-denominational wedding officiant, professional speaker and author. RSVP. Fr. Abr. Répondez s’il vous plaît!. Literally, “respond if you please.” Often included in wedding invitations, and when included, etiquette demands a response. Wedding rules typically state that you should be clear in both language and meaning about…

When the etiquette consultant messes up

I love my job. In fact, despite (currently) making less money than I did when I had a corporate job, I have never been happier. But there are hazards to being an etiquette consultant.

Why Mr. Kinkos makes me smile

There is a FedEx Kinkos near my house that I’ve patronized a few times. The last two times I’ve visited the store I was helped be a very nice man.

Doing business in Asian countries

A colleague of mine contacted me about giving a business etiquette training to a group of Southeast Asian business people visiting Seattle. I have been hired to give trainings on the business etiquette practices and culture of Japanese people so I know how differently Americans and Asians approach business. I find it very interesting, and…

Divas, taskmasters and slackers

Last night I watched the first episode of this season’s Celebrity Apprentice. I don’t normally watch it, mostly because I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I was not feeling well so I decided to turn it on. The show is a perfect microcosm of a company. It’s a group of disparate people trying…

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