The smart phone disease

Why is it that we dislike it when others use their phone when they are meeting with us, in a movie theater or driving, yet so often we do the same? I think it’s because the allure of the phone is often too much to ignore. Research has shown we get a dopamine hit when…

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Cell phone pet peeves

Do you have a cell phone pet peeve? Are there things that people do with their cell phones that drive you crazy? If so, you’re not alone. Most people are bothered by the rude cell phone behavior of others.

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Watch your cell phone ps and qs

Do you know that what makes hearing a cell phone conversation so annoying is you’re only catching half of the conversation? It’s called a halflogue, and the reason it’s so distracting is you can’t establish a rhythm like you can when hearing a monologue or dialogue. July is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month so I…

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Put Down That Cell Phone!

Did you know July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month? Yes, indeedy and with good reason. Inappropriate cell phone use has become a huge problem, and is getting worse as more people are using mobile phones. It is also one of the most irritating issues for many people. My last Puget Sound Business Journal column…

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