A frightening epidemic

There is an epidemic spreading in the Northwest. It’s infecting people right and left and it’s a doozy. Haven’t heard about it? You may already have this disease and not even know it. It’s the RSVPitis epidemic. I’m telling you, it’s bad news.

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I’m RSVPing for your party

The holidays are here and that means a lot of parties. Perhaps you’ve received a few invitations for holiday functions. Whether the invitations are for a holiday cocktail party or a summer barbeque the invitation most likely has the acronym RSVP on it. Let’s talk about that acronym and why people add it to their…

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Répondez s’il vous plaît! – RSVP

This is a guest post by Larry James, a non-denominational wedding officiant, professional speaker and author. RSVP. Fr. Abr. Répondez s’il vous plaît!. Literally, “respond if you please.” Often included in wedding invitations, and when included, etiquette demands a response. Wedding rules typically state that you should be clear in both language and meaning about…

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