Clise Etiquette teaches customer service excellence and etiquette savvy that is essential for personal and professional success.

Clise Etiquette teaches customer service excellence and etiquette savvy that is essential for personal and professional success.

It’s crucial that professionals have not only strong technical skills but polished soft skills as well in order to succeed.



We were a little hesitant entering our son into the Essential Manners Summer Camp as he is typically all about sports. But all uncertainty was forgotten the moment we entered the camp. Everyone (students and parents) were greeted with smiles and treated with respect. After one day of class our son was chatting about how much he enjoyed the topics the teachers presented in the class. From tying a tie, to solid handshakes, to setting a table he thoroughly enjoyed the entire class and all that it had to offer.
Daniel Rutkowski
I have found your newsletters especially useful for me transitioning into a new professional life. My appreciation of your talents is beyond words.
Laura Beal
Thank you, Arden, for your fantastic presentation for our Lifeworks Seminar Series. It was the best Lifeworks event we’ve ever had. We had more RSVPs than any other event and both events were at capacity. The information you presented was interesting, interactive and delivered well. The attendees really enjoyed your presentation.
Paris Chevalier
Xceed Financial Credit Union
Leo really enjoyed your class, and we enjoyed getting to hear about all the things he learned! We are looking forward to future "lessons" from him. It was a wonderful experience.
Melissa Cranmer
My teenage niece attended one of your first Essential Skills classes and I have definitely noticed the changes in her social interactions.
Lavonne Resnik
I signed my son up for the Children's Etiquette Class so he could have an experience focused on table manners outside of our home. Given the class was not a soccer camp he was not inclined to participate. However, he found the class very enjoyable, and I was delighted to hear of all the other areas covered, such as thank you cards and manners at social settings. At the end of his two-day session, he came home and wrote a Thank You to his cousin AND said he wants to go back next year!
Christi DeCuir
I was recently promoted to a senior leadership position. I knew I would be doing more public speaking. I also wanted to improve my interpersonal communication skills in terms of leading, giving clear directions, and managing relationships. After coaching with Arden, I feel more prepared and confident in my role as a senior leader in terms of communication, body language, and clarity. I also know I will be a better public speaker by the tips I learned.
Kara Putnam
Central Kitsap Fire and Rescue
I had the pleasure of working with Arden one-on-one for her business etiquette series and had the best time. She really knows her material and has a lot of great backstory as how the traditions we have in modern business came to be. Arden has a calm, positive and kind manner, very poised. I feel more prepared and confident in my business interactions after completing her classes and would highly recommend Clise Etiquette to family, friends and colleagues.
Angela White
Celia really, REALLY enjoyed yesterday’s session. She came down to my office to introduce herself as part of her homework. She was beaming with confidence. In fact, she was so inspired by the class she's now reading a book called “The New Etiquette” that my mom gave me; published in 1940. Thank you for the impact you’ve had on our little lady.
Colin Chapman
Arden, you are very good at what you do – we all learned a lot about things we needed to better understand about ourselves and others.
Michael Giannelli
Gianelli & Associates
Thank you so much for a wonderful class. Rosalie enjoyed it thoroughly, and has taught us many finer points of dining and social etiquette, which pleases me so much. I think she has shared some good habits with us that her dad did not even know! It's the ripple effect of your work.
Anne Livingston
We really enjoyed your Networking with Ease presentation. It was engaging and the information you shared was very helpful. Several of the participants mentioned they want to start attending networking events to use the tips they learned in the training. We also appreciate how customized the training was to our organization and our needs. You were able to provide information that was pertinent and useful to both our front office and back office teams. We definitely want to have you back for more trainings.
Dan Arita
Arden, since working with you last year, I have been gradually adding the tips you taught me in our coaching sessions. On Friday, I had my most nerve racking presentation yet. Thankfully, all the skills I learned from you came together. In fact, I didn’t even need water because my mouth did not turn into a cotton ball. And, I got emails from several of my coworkers including my boss’s manager telling me how wonderful my presentations were. Thank you so much for your excellent guidance.
Michelle Kowalchuk
After attending Arden’s business etiquette class, I felt I could benefit from additional help through coaching. I was having trouble interacting with my coworkers and managers on the job and at workplace social events. Arden has so much knowledge and personal experience with workplace etiquette, social skills and communication skills. No matter what question or problem I had in those areas, she always gave me several strategies and tips to address them. I highly recommend Arden and her expertise as a coach.
Jim C
I wanted to write this email to let you know how much I enjoyed your online etiquette class! I've learned so much this week from your classes and I can't wait for quarantine to be over so I can show off my new manners. I wanted to say how thankful I am to you for helping me become a better person all in one week.
Arden has provided insightful trainings to our employees at King County on several occasions. Her professionally tailored presentations offer the latest trends and resources in providing exceptional customer service from front line interaction with customers to behind the scenes management and personnel development advice.
Glynnis Vaughan
King County
Arden, you hit a home run with your customer service training for my staff. The participants were expecting a lecture type training, and to be honest, were not looking forward to it. But, you blew their minds with the different approaches you used in your training – the role plays, discussion and fun activities. They also loved that it gave them time to interact with each other and build great comradery. Your trainings should be core foundation courses for everyone!
Robert Moya
Via Radiology
I hired Arden to help me make a great impression in job interviews through interview practice and feedback. Arden is a master at role playing and mimicking live interviews. She picked up on things I was oblivious to, i.e., clicking pens, using weak language, etc. Eliminating these “ticks” helped me to be more confident in the interviews. I was ready for anything that came my way. And, the coaching paid off, as I received a job offer. Arden also helped me prepare for the negotiations. I felt the entire interview process was a great success!
Thank you for the terrific class. The kids clearly enjoyed it and I am already benefitting from very pleasant behavior changes in my kids, especially my son. My daughter benefitted most from the social media do's and don'ts. I will most definitely let my friends know about your upcoming classes.
Alex Szablya
Your talk was one of the most lively and interactive presentations that I have attended at the Sunset Club. Learning about manners and etiquette was eye opening and will be very helpful in my personal and professional life.
Lisa Pascualy
Sunset Club
Arden presented a lunch-and-learn session at Precept Wine to approximately 40 employees. She did a remarkable job of making the entire team (ranging in ages from mostly 20-somethings to mid 50s) feel at ease. We were definitely disarmed by her engaging style. The notion of an etiquette coach conjures up images of a preachy ogre with a yardstick ready to cross your knuckles at the first offense....not so with Arden! She taught us new tips and tricks in remembering names, ace handshakes and a few nuggets for networking and email/text communication. Loved every minute.
Heidi Witherspoon
Precept Wines
Thank you, Arden, for a fantastic training! It was the most interactive Zoom training meeting I’ve ever attended. It was exciting to see the group so talkative and engaged thanks to your fun activities. I liked that you were approachable and made it comfortable for people to ask you questions.
Jodi Sorensen
Space Flight Industries
Wow, I am so energized! Your networking presentation via Zoom was so great. It left me feeling energized and inspired to do some virtual networking right now and utilize some of the tips when we are able to network in person! Thank you very much for taking the time to share your expertise with our group – you are AMAZING!!
Tamara Torlakson
She Shares
Thank you so much! What a fantastic training! That was the best participation and attendance I’ve had in months. Everyone really enjoyed how interactive it was.
Julie Felcyn
People & Capabilities Manager, North America / Alumier
Your camp was incredible! My dad noticed an improvement right away with my girls. And, when we went to a dinner party, I got a "good job, mom!" from an older woman after my daughter waited politely for me to finish speaking before she asked a question. It was a first :). Not to mention, they had fun and no complaints! Thank you so much!! 
Holly Waddell
Thank you again for taking the time to meet with our family for etiquette coaching! Taking three children to their first formal event seemed like a daunting task but you made it all feel possible. Your friendly and practical approach was not only fun but effective as well. Our 11 year old looked refined and was so excited to identify the table settings!!! Even her conversation was all "grown up"!! You are the best I am happy to refer any of our friends to you.
Cari Williams
My three girls talk about your class often. I see them trying to remember different rules etc. all the time. We took them to the Sorrento for Christmas dinner and it is the first time since camp that they had seen a proper table setting and they were so excited for "courses". I have also seen changes in them in how they address adults when being introduced etc. They definitely learned some lifelong tools with you.
Shannon Schneider
Thank you so much for a great class. Both of my boys were so happy after the class. Full of stories and even asked if they could go to the second one!
Ann Allen
I found the coaching really helpful! The feedback on the interview practice questions was very useful and I think my answers are stronger. You are smart, savvy and experienced. You did a great job of honing in on my areas of weakness. My time with you helped me feel more confident and prepared to handle challenging conversations and situations.
I had a chance to get some feedback today about your training on running more productive meetings. I thought I'd share with you that one of our staff offered that she has already begun to implement an "objective" in meetings she's facilitating and she shared that it has been a total game changer. So we are already collectively putting what we learned into action. Thanks for that.
Alana Hentges
Learning & Development Manager / University of Puget Sound
Arden, your Workplace Respect and Effective Communication training was great. Your comfortable style helped open up communication between employees. And, I appreciate that you gave us tools to approach situations differently. As a result of the training there’s more understanding between coworkers, and staff are using I statements. It was what I had hoped for from the training.
Michael Mallahan
Hearing and Balance Lab
On behalf of Ellie and Lucy, I wish to thank you very much for the outstanding job in presenting good manners, etiquette and introductions as well as many other interesting tidbits, one of which I didn't know. The girls really enjoyed this adventure.
Marcy Rice
My daughter was a little hesitant to go to etiquette camp, but at the end of the first day she told me she loved it. She not only enjoyed every day at camp but also had a lot of fun learning about good manners. She even wants to do etiquette camp next summer.
Luz Metz
We hired Arden to give an all-day training on a variety of business etiquette topics. Going into the training the participants were concerned it would be a full day of lecture and dos and don’ts. However, we were pleasantly surprised at how useful and engaging the training was. We liked how Arden had us do role plays; interesting exercises and activities that helped teach and cement the material. Arden is a great trainer. She teaches useful skills that help people to be more polished, professional and at ease in a variety of situations.
Bill Nolan
CEO, Buildingi
Great newsletter! Wanted you to know I’ve recently "self-corrected" with two of your helpful hints; avoiding the cheek kiss and waiting to order coffee when meeting a client! Your tips are such a great confidence booster.
Thank you, Arden, for a great training. The management team is still talking about it. We loved how interactive it was and that it allowed the managers to get to know each other better. I see others practicing some of the things you covered including using I statements and creating agendas for our meetings now. People are more mindful of how they behave and treat each other. It was a really useful and fun training and we look forward to having you back soon.
Suzie Van Eecke
Hill Aerosystems
I wanted to tell you that you're etiquette classes are great! I have been able to learn so much from your classes. Thank you for all your help.
I can't recommend Arden highly enough. This past October I chaired a conference and Arden presented our keynote address. From the very start she was extremely easy to work with. On the day of the event Arden was prompt (early even) and so charming. She gave us amazing tips on networking and made everyone feel comfortable enough to participate and ask questions. She had the entire room up and moving and connecting with each other. You could feel a rise in the energy level during her presentation. People were buzzing about her long after she left the room and I have received amazing feedback about her from our attendees. She was an absolute pleasure to work with.
Mary Beth McAteer
Virginia Mason
We had Arden teach an etiquette course to two young kids (ages 8 and 10) and even now they are using her examples when eating or introducing themselves. She was personable, professional, and made the lesson interactive and interesting, especially for the age group. We really enjoyed working with her and send our highest recommendations to those who are wanting to pick up a lesson for themselves or a group.
Ilona Lebed
Executive personal assistant
Arden spoke at our Professional Women in Building Lunch at the Master Builders Association. Her topic was networking etiquette. She provided our group with practical, easy to follow tips to make our next networking event a breeze. She touched on everything from entering the room, making introductions, how to walk up to a complete stranger to how to hold your appetizer plate and glass. She is not only informative and knows her topic she is delightful, courteous and made us laugh. I would not hesitate in recommending Arden to any group.
Juli Bacon
JB Consulting Systems
Before I started working with Arden, I was not confident in my ability to present myself. I was worried about my etiquette for my upcoming internship. After our work together I am prepared for a multitude of situations, ranging from greetings to dining, and I now know what specific things that I need to work on. I enjoyed our conversations and the ability to see my improvement in real time.
Sasha Johnson
I recently hired Arden help me spiff up both my speaking skills and confidence level. Between giving me pointers on my material, videotaping me as I practiced, and teaching me over a dozen tips and tools, a recent presentation I gave got super feedback — in part, thanks to Arden’s coaching. She’s truly one of the most gracious, skilled professionals I know, and I highly recommend her.
Lynn Baldwin-Rhoades
Thank you, Arden! You were fantastic! The participants loved all the interaction through chat, polls, and talking! This was our most attended virtual Lunch and Learn to date!
Christy Clark
Ohio Credit Union League
Arden's training seminar on Customer Service Excellence was wonderful. Her interactive approach, activities and thoughtful role play scenarios really helped the participants absorb the material. Soon after the training we received two different emails from shelter visitors complimenting the customer service of the staff. Several participants mentioned that they feel better equipped to handle challenging customer service situations as well.
Annette Laico


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