Business Etiquette Training

…that are covered: New Etiquette for the New Work Norms The workplace we knew has changed due to the pandemic. Today we have hybrid work schedules, hot desks, new ways…

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Don’t break 8 year old hearts

…Being a Better Boss, Marketing to Moms, and Sparking Innovation. Her book, Motherhood is the New MBA: Using Your Parenting Skills to be a Better Boss, is available on….

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Cut, color and conversation

questions that start with who, what, where, when, why, how – you get the other person to open up more. This allows you to find something you have in common,…

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Five tips for workplace success

…Gossip can also sink a company. There are things that should never be shared – product launches, mergers, or anything confidential about the company. These five steps may seem like…

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How to make friends with a higher up

…media sites like,, and are goldmines when it comes to establishing high level connections inside and outside your organization. Follow the executives you want to get to…

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Are You The Real Deal?

Yesterday I presented my Networking with Ease presentation to 120 people at the Greater Seattle Chamber “Focus On” series. As usual, my audience asked some really great questions. One man…

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