Cell phone pet peeves

…table when you sit down with someone. As my fan stated, “Like at any moment something more important than our conversation is going to come up. It’s the attachment some…

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The sweetest sound

…repeating. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. It is indeed. As you may know, we have a new

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Dinner party lessons

…the same reason. Make sense? Lastly, the dessert spoon is placed above the dessert fork. Whew, who knew eating could be so complicated?! Well, it really shouldn’t be. As you…

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A surprising benefit of LinkedIn

complete job history and a summary that explains her strengths, job experience and specialties. I thought this was a brilliant way to stand out in this competitive rental market. Landlords…

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A frightening epidemic

…to RSVPitis. Could it be the rainy weather dampens our brains? Maybe the “Seattle freeze” Seattleites are known for freezes your heart. Perhaps our “nice” Scandinavian descent makes people passive-aggressive…

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Please stop interrupting me!

…many interesting studies about how women and men communicate. When it comes to interrupting others, men are twice as likely to interrupt women then they are other men. Women interrupt…

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