Job Search Etiquette

I asked my Facebook fans for ideas for a blog post and got some really good questions. They were focused on job search etiquette. Q. When meeting a potential employer…

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What would Ted do?

a child holding a red heart in her open hands

…despite lacking any experience in the sport. The new owner, Rebecca Welton, acquired the team after a divorce from her unfaithful ex-husband, Rupert, who loved the team more than anything…

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How to Avoid Being Defriended

…blog on your personal page. Create a company page and share company information there. Your friends will thank you. Be professional Everything we do online is pretty much open to…

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Why LinkedIn?

and visible. For job seekers there is a wealth of information to be found by following companies you are interested in. Many companies post job openings on their company page….

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How to be more gracious

…a panel of speakers at the World Trade Center Seattle, one of the panelists would often acknowledge what a previous panelist said before sharing his thoughts on the question. He…

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